Do You Need Nasal Airway Reconstruction?

Posted on November 20, 2018

Nasal airway reconstruction is a surgical procedure involving techniques to open up and refine the airway within the nose. Surgery is often the last resort, but can offer significant relief once and for all for those who have difficulty breathing. So how can you tell if you require nasal airway reconstruction? Nasal Injury A nasal


How to Manage Your Fall Allergies

Posted on October 29, 2018

Although most people would associate allergies with the Spring, many people experience allergy symptoms during the weather change and Fall. This is because pollen and mold are commonly released during the Fall, although it might not be as noticeable (unless you’re prone to allergies, of course). With cold season in full swing as well, it


Caring for Your Sore Throat

Posted on October 29, 2018

With cold and flu season approaching, you’ll most likely be experiencing some scratchiness in your throat for one reason or another. However, a sore throat can exist on its own and have many different causes and treatment options. For this reason, it’s helpful to read up on your options so you can find the right


What is Sleep Apnea?

Posted on October 17, 2018

Sleep apnea is a serious problem that takes place when you are sleeping. In short, an individual will stop breathing momentarily throughout the night. For those who are not getting the right treatment for their sleep apnea, other health issues may begin to present themselves. Sleep Apnea Types There are two main types of sleep


Who is a Good Candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty?

Posted on September 11, 2018

If you suffer from anything affecting the sinuses, it can be frustrating. Many individuals suffer from pain and congestion and the problem will be worse if it is chronic. When regular sinusitis treatments fail to help you, you may want to consider  specialized procedures. One of these procedures includes the balloon sinuplasty. Why Sinusitis Fails


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AOO | ENT Specialist of the Rockies is a practice that has been serving the Denver area for over 40 years. This group of board-certified physicians has exceptional experience treating multi-generational families and meeting their needs in ENT services, sleep health, sinus and allergy treatment, hearing treatment, and facial plastic surgery. Our team includes ENT physicians, specialty-trained nurses, audiologists, and plastic surgeons. In addition to outstanding routine care, our team is available 24/7 for emergencies

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