Posts Tagged / nose surgery

What to Expect After Balloon Sinuplasty

BY Jeffrey L. Cutler, M.D. IN Balloon Sinuplasty NO COMMENTS YET , , ,

Are you considering balloon sinuplasty? If so, you are probably wondering what to expect following the procedure. Read on to learn more about what exactly a balloon sinuplasty procedure entails, and what to expect following the procedure. What to Expect When Visiting Us for Balloon Sinuplasty Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive treatment option for


5 Benefits of a Balloon Sinuplasty

BY DLM Developer IN Balloon Sinuplasty NO COMMENTS YET , , , ,

Are you constantly plagued by inflamed sinuses, a stuffy nose, and difficulty breathing? Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive treatment that can give you long-term relief from your irritating symptoms. What is a Balloon Sinuplasty? A balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that opens up the sinus airways by expanding the sinus drainage and