Posts Tagged / balloon sinoplasty
What to Expect After Balloon Sinuplasty
Are you considering balloon sinuplasty? If so, you are probably wondering what to expect following the procedure. Read on to learn more about what exactly a balloon sinuplasty procedure entails, and what to expect following the procedure. What to Expect When Visiting Us for Balloon Sinuplasty Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive treatment option for
Basics of Balloon Sinus Dilation
Sinusitis sufferers finally have an effective minimally invasive solution to their chronic symptoms. Balloon Sinus Dilation (BSD), also commonly referred to as a Balloon Sinuplasty, is a safe procedure that provides relief for sinusitis. What is Sinusitis? Sinusitis is a common medical condition that causes inflammation or swelling of the sinuses, causing trouble breathing and