Posts Tagged / balloon sinus dilation

Understanding Balloon Sinuplasty: A Solution for Chronic Sinusitis in Denver

BY Jeffrey L. Cutler, M.D. IN Balloon Sinuplasty NO COMMENTS YET , ,

Are you tired of suffering from chronic or recurrent sinus infections? If other treatment options have failed to treat these symptoms, you may benefit from a minimally invasive option known as balloon sinuplasty. At AOO | ENT Specialists of the Rockies, our ENT doctors are highly skilled in performing this procedure to help you feel


Sinusitis Treatment with Balloon Sinuplasty

BY AOO | ENT Specialists of the Rockies IN Balloon Sinuplasty, Sinusitis NO COMMENTS YET , , , , , , , , , , ,

With the warmer weather comes allergies, which can lead to irritation of the sinuses. When sinusitis occurs, you can experience nasal discharge and congestion, headaches, and coughing. If you are experiencing these uncomfortable sinus symptoms that are negatively impacting your everyday life, you may be able to benefit from a Balloon Sinuplasty. Read on to


Common Sinusitis Symptoms

BY AOO | ENT Specialists of the Rockies IN Balloon Sinuplasty, Sinusitis NO COMMENTS YET , ,

If you are noticing reoccurring congestion and aren’t sure what it could be, you may be experiencing a type of sinusitis. There are a few kinds of sinusitis that we will discuss in this blog as well as common sinusitis symptoms. The Different Types of Sinusitis & Symptoms Acute Sinusitis This type of sinusitis starts


Basics of Balloon Sinus Dilation

BY AOO | ENT Specialists of the Rockies IN Balloon Sinuplasty, Sinusitis NO COMMENTS YET , , ,

Sinusitis sufferers finally have an effective minimally invasive solution to their chronic symptoms. Balloon Sinus Dilation (BSD), also commonly referred to as a Balloon Sinuplasty, is a safe procedure that provides relief for sinusitis. What is Sinusitis? Sinusitis is a common medical condition that causes inflammation or swelling of the sinuses, causing trouble breathing and