Nasal Septum Repair: What to Expect Afterward

By AOO | ENT Specialists of the Rockies on September 8, 2020 under Rhinoplasty

Nasal Septum Repair: What to Expect Afterward

A septoplasty is a surgical procedure that can correct a deviated septum. A deviated septum is when the septum, or the tissues that divide the nose between left and right, is pushed to one side. This can narrow the nasal passages and increase sinus infections, make it harder to sleep, and even cause breathing problems. A septoplasty is a great way to correct these symptoms, but it’s important to know what to expect during your recovery.

Similar to other forms of surgery, you’ll need to spend some time recovering. In the case of a septoplasty, it usually takes about a month or two to completely heal. However, you can likely return to work and your regular schedule within five to seven days. Here are some ways to make sure your recovery goes smoothly and successfully after your septoplasty.

Septoplasty is often done in conjunction with other nasal surgeries such as rhinoplasty and sinus surgery.

Stay Physically Active

Remaining physically active after your procedure is a good way to ensure your body stays healthy and fit. However, it’s important not to push yourself too hard. High-intensity exercises such as jogging, running, and weight training should be avoided until your ENT specialist clears you to return to your regular regimen. It’s also important to gradually increase the intensity of your workouts rather than jumping right back in. During your initial recovery, you should be sure to walk and do some light activities around the house to keep your blood flowing. Most exercises can be resumed within two weeks. 

Avoid Blowing Your Nose

You’ll need to avoid blowing your nose, especially right after surgery. Doing so can cause bleeding and even dislocation of your corrected septum. If you do feel the need to sneeze, remember to do it from your mouth. Your ENT specialist will give you some detailed instructions to follow so you can manage any drainage or discomfort after surgery.

Eat a Healthy Diet

It’s important to eat a healthy and nutrient-rich diet during your recovery. However, it’s not uncommon to experience some nausea during recovery. It can be helpful to prepare some meals ahead of time so that you can focus on resting and avoid having to cook. Also, make sure to have some easily-digestible snacks on-hand to help manage stomach upset in the few days following your procedure.

Talk to Your ENT Specialist About Your Medications

Although your ENT specialist will discuss your medications during your consultation, you should make sure to stop taking them or take them according to instructions during your recovery. You’ll also be given prescriptions for medications to help manage pain and inflammation, so you should make sure to take these as directed. In some cases, you may be prescribed some antibiotics to help fight infections during your recovery. If you have any questions about your medications, make sure to ask your ENT specialist!

Schedule a Consultation

Septoplasty is a great way to find relief from symptoms and breathe easy again. To learn more about your options and meet with our expert ENT team, we invite you to contact our Denver area office by calling or filling out our online form.