Immunotherapy Basics

Immunotherapy or biological therapy is a type of therapy that helps the body defend itself against illnesses and other environmental factors. If the body is weakened by these factors, immune therapy can be quite helpful in the treatment of allergy symptoms as well as working to strengthen one’s immune system. The first step to understanding immunotherapy is learning the difference between the two types we offer at Associates of Otolaryngology.
Subcutaneous Immunotherapy
Subcutaneous, meaning under the skin, is a type of allergy immune therapy that is one of the most effective ways to treat symptoms of common allergies such as grasses, weeds, dust mite, mold spores, and pet dander. Subcutaneous therapy is done by placing a small amount of the allergen under the skin via a needle in order to expose the body to a very small amount of the allergen, therefore, allowing one’s immune system to build its defenses to the allergen. After three to five years of treatment, a patient that has received regular injections may live without the worry of allergy symptoms.
Sublingual Immunotherapy
Sublingual immunotherapy is another option for treating allergies. This type of therapy is administered orally, under the tongue. These come in the form of tincture drops (or tablets.remove) This form is particularly good for children or patients that simply are trying to avoid needles. Sublingual drops can be more convenient than a weekly appointment with your physician for an injection. This method also takes 3-5 years and will build up one immune system in order to improve your allergy symptoms.
If you or your child is suffering from allergies that may be disrupting them in school and their overall quality of life, immunotherapy may be able to help. For more information about immunotherapy in the Denver area, contact Associates of Otolaryngology today to schedule an appointment.