Why Can’t I Breathe Through My Nose?

By AOO | ENT Specialists of the Rockies on October 30, 2017 under Allergy, Balloon Sinuplasty, Sinusitis, Snoring

Why Can’t I Breathe Through My Nose?

A blocked nose is a common complaint that can range from a mild annoyance to a considerably uncomfortable condition. Determining the cause of your blocked nose is essential to forming the correct treatment plan and getting you breathing normally! Read on for some causes of a stuffy nose.

What Causes a Stuffy Nose?

Common Cold or Allergies

Trouble breathing through the nose can be caused by a virus such as the common cold or allergies. Both of these can cause swelling of the sinus lining that results in trapped mucus and reduced airflow. This can also lead to an infection of the sinuses called sinusitis.

Deviated Septum

The nasal septum is a wall of cartilage that divides the inside of the nose in half. A deviated septum refers to a septum that is bent, obstructing one or both sides of the nose. This could be a result of trauma to the nose, or can be a condition you are born with. A rhinoplasty treatment can help aid this condition.

Turbinate Hypertrophy

Turbinates are attached to the inside of the nose to moisturize the air we breathe. Turbinate tissues can swell due to allergies, colds, infections, or hormone changes and result in the feeling or a blocked or stuffy nose. Severe swelling can cause an obstruction of the nasal airway and make it difficult to breathe through your nose properly.


Nasal polyps are masses of swollen areas in the nasal lining that can occur from inflammation during sinusitis. If the polyps are large enough, they can cause an obstructed airway.

Nasal Valve Collapse

The internal and external nasal valves are located in the front of the nose. A nasal valve that is too narrow can block the airway. A weak or abnormally positioned outer wall of the nose can cause a collapse in the nasal valve, resulting in a feeling of constant blockage, or blockage when you try to breathe in.

Trouble breathing through the nose is a common complaint among individuals. If your blocked nose is causing you discomfort, a consultation with an ENT specialist can help diagnose the cause and determine the best course of treatment. If you are in the Denver, Lone Tree, or Castle Rock, CO areas, contact us today for more information or to make an appointment!