Hearing Loss Signs & Symptoms

By AOO on October 5, 2017 under Hearing, Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss Signs & Symptoms

When it comes to hearing loss, symptoms are not always abrupt or incredibly obvious. The symptoms of hearing loss are often gradual or may seem situational for many, especially in crowds, loud events such as concerts or when someone has a softer voice. In this blog, we’ll discuss the signs that could point to the possibility of hearing loss.

Social Situations & Hearing Loss

Whether you’re at a restaurant, a shopping mall or even at home watching TV, you could be experiencing symptoms of hearing loss that you or the people around you find irritating. One of the biggest signs is frequently needing repetition during a conversation. This can then be complicated by being in a group larger than two, or with background noise such as a busy restaurant or large room of people.

Emotional Effects of Hearing Loss

In addition to causing complications in social situations, hearing loss symptoms can also cause emotional distress to those who are experiencing the symptoms. Emotional distress from hearing loss can come from situations such as feeling worried about not being able to hear others, or feeling irritated that you can’t understand someone when they are speaking.

Medical Reasons for Hearing Loss

Another way you may be able to identify if you are experiencing hearing loss is by taking a good look at your medical history and overall health. The main factor to find out and understand is whether or not you have a family history of hearing loss. If there’s no family history, it’s important to take a look at other medical factors such as existing conditions like diabetes, heart, thyroid issues or previous eardrum damage. Other Significant causes of hearing loss include aging and exposure to excessive or loud noise.

Hearing Testing & Treatment

Here at Associates of Otolaryngology in Denver and Lone Tree, our otolaryngologists work closely with an audiologist associate to help comprehensively treat hearing loss. If you are experiencing any of the above difficulties with your hearing, contact Associates of Otolaryngology today to schedule an appointment with one of our physicians.