SLIT vs SCIT in allergy immunotherapy

Posted on March 2, 2021

The nasal cavity is central in breathing processes. The nasal valve is the narrow, internal area of the nose that limits airflow. When it becomes narrower, collapses, or gets in touch with foreign materials, there are breathing problems. Stenosis is the resultant problem that occurs when the nasal cavity collapses; it restricts blood flow by


What Are Hearing Aids?

Posted on January 22, 2021

While hearing aids are relatively common, many patients have the same questions about them when they are starting out with hearing loss treatment. During an appointment at Associates of Otolaryngology and Harvard Park Hearing  and we can answer any questions you may have. However, you can also learn more before your appointment, so you feel


Rhinoplasty and Nasal Breathing

Posted on December 18, 2020

When you think about a nose job, you probably think about the use of cosmetic surgery to change the way your nose looks for aesthetic reasons. However, rhinoplasty isn’t always a purely cosmetic procedure.  The outer nose is the doorway to your upper respiratory system, the nasal passages and sinuses.   The term refers to a


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AOO | ENT Specialist of the Rockies is a practice that has been serving the Denver area for over 40 years. This group of board-certified physicians has exceptional experience treating multi-generational families and meeting their needs in ENT services, sleep health, sinus and allergy treatment, hearing treatment, and facial plastic surgery. Our team includes ENT physicians, specialty-trained nurses, audiologists, and plastic surgeons. In addition to outstanding routine care, our team is available 24/7 for emergencies

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