4 Allergy Facts for Fall

Seasonal allergies are never fun, but if allergens such as ragweed pollen and mold trigger your allergy symptoms the fall season may be more difficult for you. While these two allergens can be major triggers they are not the only things that can aggravate one’s allergies. The following are four lesser-known contributing factors to fall allergies that you may not have considered.
4 Fall Time Allergy Facts
Allergic Rhinitis
Also known as “hay fever” or even just allergies, allergic rhinitis is a common issue in patients whose bodies are responding to particles in the air; resulting in allergy symptoms such as sneezing or a runny nose. Many of these pollen-producing allergens can persist until a frost.
Remaining Warm Temperatures
Some people love to hold on to summer and the warm temperatures as long as they can. However, for some, this may result in dragging out a season of allergies. Just because the calendar says that summer is over, doesn’t mean it is. If it’s “fall” and your allergies are not improving, it’s important that you see your ENT specialist to make sure you are staying up to date with your allergy treatment plan. A good reminder is to continue to close your bedroom windows to keep the pollen out at night.
Fall Yard Work
Many allergy sufferers in Denver avoid yard work in the spring and summer in order to avoid direct contact with allergens. However, many think that the fall is a safe time to get back outside. Much of the yard work in fall involves raking leaves which could stir up mold and left-over pollen into the air, only to be inhaled by you. So, if you’re going to be doing yard work, you may want to take allergy medication preemptively and/or wear a mask
Back-to-School Triggers
During the back-to-school season, you or your children may start to experience allergies as a result of their classroom or campus environment. To avoid disruptions, it is recommended to seek treatment soon after symptoms arise. Another helpful tip for identifying the source is to keep a log of your symptoms and the associated activity. This can be very helpful during your check-up with your ENT specialist.
Contact Associates of Otolaryngology in Denver, Lone Tree, and Castle Rock
If you are experiencing Fall allergies that are interrupting your everyday life, schedule an appointment with one of our ear, nose & throat specialists at either our Denver, Lone Tree or Castle Rock offices.